Friday, January 26, 2007
Back to 1970 (PT)

JP Simoes has been around for quite a while. Pop dell'Arte, Belle Chase Hotel, Azembla's Quartet and Quinteto Tati all saw his musical contribution. Now, this charismatic artist has moved forth, on a solo career.

2007 saw the birth of 1970, Joao Paulo Simoes' debut solo album. An album where his words play a major role (".... A minha geracao ja se calou, ja se perdeu,...." on 1970 (Retrato); ".... disfarca, finge nao me ver. Diz que nao pode ser, diz que eu morri num acidente qualquer...." on Se por acaso me vires por ai); where the music drinks inspiration from artists such Chico Buarte, Tom Jobim or Sergio Godinho, from bossa nova, samba and the Portuguese popular music.

As the cd moves forth, we are presented with 11 delicate and paced songs. The background vocals, the instruments, the beats and JP's cool voice all add up to deliver us a record we listen sitting on a sofa, with a gin and tonic on our hands.

We highly recommend the tracks 1970 (Retrato), the cover for Mario Jose Branco's Inquietacao and the magnific Se por acaso (me vires por ai).

Get the cd right here.


posted by SKL @ 4:48 PM  
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