This week, Polskie Radio Trojka released Offensywa, a compilation put together by Piotr Stelmach, featuring some of the most interesting new bands hailing from this very side of Europe.
With a total of 20 tracks (17 new bands plus 3 bonus tracks featuring Kombajn Do Zbierania Kur Po Wioskach, The Car Is On Fire and Pink Freud), we are introduced to what's new concerning pop, rock, electro and indie. Of course, all made in PL.
It is a pleasure for me to see that some of the bands that took part on Thirty something new tales from PL.PT are featured on this compilation. Our congratulations to The Mothers, Sensorry and Phantom Taxi Ride.
After the desolation brought by the 4th volume of Minimax PL (also released by Trojka), these 20 tracks are the breeze we were all waiting for.
Normally on any music compilation there are good and bad moments. I'm glad to say that here, the music selection holds itself from the very beginning to its very last track. There are bands that could have done better, but nevertheless, they have contributed with a good song.
And now a quick tour, track by track.
01. Klara Czubak - Next Time Klara Czubak presents us with a little magic moment. 3 little minutes of intimate guitar chords sung along with Klara's and Kuba's Czubak sweet and delicate voice. Worth discovering. Already on my list "to follow up....". 02. Psychocukier - Sonic Cave We've mentioned them here before, by the time they played in Krakow. This track shows another side to Psychocukier; the sweeter side of those noisy, dirty, fast and furious guitar driven rockin' music sessions. Another good track by Sasza, Piotrek and Marcin.
03. Loco Motive Sun - Oblakany Loco Motive Sun are a quintet (sextet when playing live, together with Krystian Duc taking care of all the visualizations) from Pszczyna. On Offensywa's third track we take a short cut and head straight to the electronic sounds of Ola, Rafal, Darek, Wojtek and Daniel. Addictive beats, loops and chorus. The perfect to dance to on those warm Summer nights.
04. Lili Marlene - Arogancky Lili Marlene are a quintet that has been digging some space for themselves on the Polish indie rock scene. As Arogancky shows us, Kuba, Wojtek, Kornel, Lukasz Wojcik and Norbert deliver us a fast, guitar friendly track, where the post punk and rock sounds of some acts heading from the US and Her Majesty's country, meet the nicely sung Polish lyrics of Lili Marlene.
05. Vixo - Farewell In Oblivion Farewell In Oblivion is a tricky song. I must confess Sebastian's vocals do not impress me that much, but together with Darek's guitar tunes and the rest of quartet, the song ends up finding its way. Still I think Vixo could work out their vocals a bit more, and why not, try singing in Polish.
06. Wy W Dobrej Wierze - Dobre rady Together with Klara Czubak, another good suprise and one of my favourites for this album. Wy W Dobrej Wierze (WWDW) are a pop trio that gathers Krystyna, on vocals and two Stefans on guitar and vocals. Together they are responsible for this beautiful pop pearl. A superb visit card from one of the best pop acts to come out of Poland lately.
07. Muchy - Miasto doznan Miasto Doznan is Muchy's contribution to this compilation. A good indie pop moment, sung in Polish, by this Poznan-based trio. A song that flows smoothly, with a taste of 80's synths and this century's guitar sounds.
08. Phantom Taxi Ride - Leave You Alone I heard PTR for the first time a couple of months ago. Leave You Alone takes us back to the 90's, to the sounds of brit pop, and to those crazy afternoon matinees where boys and girls would swing all day long.
09. Beneficjenci Splendoru - Moje studio Band with a complicated name, specially if you're not coming from Poland. Beneficjenci Splendoru is a one man project. Marcin Staniszewski takes control of all the operations and delivers these lo-fi electronic beats. Jazzy ambients dressed in colourful bits!!!
10. Pawilon - Blisko And from Gdansk, Pawilon. Blisko is the track brought by these 5 lads from Poland's sea side. As they call it themselves, "... Alternative Rock & Western Swing..." at its best. In case you know of any other....
11. The Mothers - Night Life In Big City Night Life In Big City is a favourite of ours. So much, that we featured it on our compilation as well. The Mothers are a young quartet led by Bartek Stolarek. Together with Artur, Jakub and Vojtek, they put us dancing with tracks such GoGo Dancer or Fool Kids Are Dead. A band on which we hold great expectations.
12. Nell - Red Ribbons Their music is inspiring and emotive. Their music breathes Muse and Placebo. Perhaps a bit too much.... Nevertheless, this young quartet has a very good chance, and the quality as well, to do something special in the near future.
13. L.Stadt - Gore L.Stadt are one of my favourite bands in Poland. What so special about them? The way they sound. Lukasz, Adam, Radoslaw and Andrzej cannot commit themselves to a unique kind of sound. The The, Brian Ferry, Velvet Underground,.... you name them yourself!!! Listen to this Gore and then visit them at their MySpace. A band to keep an eye on...
14. Renton - Hey Girl Hey Girl might be one of the less interesting tracks among these 20. The constant uhh uhhh uhh and those fancy clapping, cannot take my mind out of the idea that this is music for teenagers introducing themselves indie whatsoever!!!
15. Sensorry - Glodny slonca Sensorry are mainly a live band. In concert they can free up their unique rock, jazz and funk music sounds. In Offensywa, they introduce us to their sound via Glodny Slonca. By the way, another band to discover at our online compilation.
16. The Black Tapes - Love Letter Another band carrying the post-punk, indie rock flag. Love Letter does not bring us anything special. This song sounds too artificial, not capable of having the sparkle we find at Bus Song Nver. These lads can sound better than this.
17. Saluminesia - 100 dni Another band coming from Poland seaside. This time, from Sopot. Saluminesia are a pop rock quartet that manages to come up with a fine track sung in Polish. Supporting themselves on longer and melodic guitar chords, together with Remigiusz catchy vocals, Saluminesia are a band to follow up, specially if you're in the mood for Myslovitz.
The compilation ends up with the following three bonus tracks:
18. Kombajn Do Zbierania Kur Po Wioskach - Janusz Reaktor i Krystyna Zmrok (bonus track)
19. The Car Is On Fire - Ex Boyfriend (bonus track)
20. Pink Freud - Come As You Are (bonus track)
Buy the compilation right here. It is worth it.Labels: albums, bands, News |