Sunday, February 11, 2007
The sexy electro rock 'n' roll of ..... (PT)

".....A bad French lover, a rude afro-Portuguese boy and a hysterical Spanish women met in Lisbon, in the Bica neighborhood to form one of the most exciting musical experience, The Badlovers and hysteria Iberika...."

Within a couple of days, on the 17th of February, Badlover & Hysteria Iberika will invade Bacalhoeiro with their provocative electro rock 'n' roll. This is a good chance to see Silvia, Marcus and Gaby exploring the boundaries of La Vida Mata.
Expect provocation, irony, punk attitude and sweat.

The Badlovers and hysteria Iberika go back to the year 2002. Since then, they've been spreading their highly contaminating and addictive music across the country .......

Lisboa together with Furor Vaginal Remix and other two tracks are available at their MySpace

Did I mention it will be damn sweaty? Hope so.....

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posted by SKL @ 2:56 AM  
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