Sunday, December 09, 2007
We All Hum Sometimes. Zerova's acoustic soul (PL)
After the release of 2006's album I Think We’ve Lost and Home on the Wall, the track for Home.Pop.Records' compilation, one of our favourite Polish bands, Zerova, are back with We All Hum Sometimes / Acoustic Apples, a 5 track acoustic EP.

As the tittle says it, Zerova went acoustic this time. Letting aside all the bits and bytes they got us used to, Adrian, Pawel, Maja and Przemek created a beautiful lo-fi record, where smooth ambient textures marry with pop and dreamy backgrounds.

During these almost twenty minutes, Zerova reveal us their other side, their other personality. One that is capable of creating beautiful songs, sweating melancholy out of each and every pore, accompanied with delicate guitar chords, accordeon magic breezes, catchy rhodes flavoured tunes and perfumed melodica scents. All this, served together with Maja's and Pawel's beautiful and melodic vocals, sounding better than ever before, more confident and sure of themselves.

Listen to these five songs and discover how these Bialystok lads managed to overcome this challenge, showing us all how capable they are of delivering amazing music, dressed in acoustic sounds only!
What can I say? The closer we get to Christmas, the better it sounds. Zerova's EP just got itself into my top 5 Polish releases this 2007.

I'm humming already, what about you?
Get We All Hum Sometimes on Home.Pop.Records.

I'll Wait Up For You

A little surprise from their 2006 release....

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posted by SKL @ 5:29 PM  
  • At 3:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Bom dia Romeu,
    gostaria muito de ajudar-te no apelo que lançaste lá no blog, mas infelizmente estou sem pc :(
    A ideia é excelente espero poder participar nela na próxima vez ;)
    Despeço-me com votos de excelente natal! :]

  • At 3:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    O blog Invisible Girl mudou de endereço.

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