Saturday, September 06, 2008 |
Music@PL.PT today and tomorrow |
Hello to all our readers.
As you have noticed lately, Music@PL.PT has not leaked any word on the past few months.... The situation shall continue this way until we release the new Music@PL.PT service.
My day to day life, the lack of sponsorship and other issues has let me down slightly when thinking about promoting Portuguese and Polish music. Early this year the thought of completely closing Music@PL.PT has pumped up to my mind more than once. Luckily, after talking to both readers and artists, I've decided to stick to this site.
Currently, with the support of Mr. Vitorino Araujo, we're working on a new Music@PL.PT, something that will make Portuguese and Polish music proud of. We hope to launch this service still this year, hopefully, before November 2008.
In order to bring you a better service, we are looking for people eager to participate on this project and help us taking these sounds everywhere in the world. In case you're keen on Portuguese and/or Polish music or cinema, in case you're always there, when a Polish or Portuguese band play live, and in case you'd like to share it with more people..... contact us... we're looking for more people to support this project.
Album reviews, concert reviews, new bands....... you name it!!! if made in Poland or Portugal, Music@PL.PT is the place for it.
for those interested on this project, please contact me @:
I'll share with you more info on this project.
Let Portuguese and Polish music fly far far away..... |
posted by SKL @ 4:50 PM   |
este blog é brutal!! this blog is amazing... please continue wuth the good work.
Encontro de Bloggers O FCC09 apresenta o primeiro Encontro Nacional de Bloggers de Cultura e/ou Criatividade!! Este evento, a realizar no dia 08 de Fevereiro de 2009, inserido nas actividades do FCC09 tem por objectivo, reunir a comunidade de criadores de blogues, relacionados com as áreas do Património, Museus, Arte, Cultura e Indústrias Criativas, e criar um espaço informal de debate, discussão e partilha de ideias e experiências. O registo como Blogger pode ser feito no nosso site, em Escreva-nos/Registo, e dá direito a um "Pass Blogger", que permite a entrada gratuita em todos os dias do TEMPUS e da CONCEPTA. Para efectuar o registo como Blogger, deverá possuir um Blogue na área da Cultura ou Criatividade e nele introduzir uma referência ao FCC09 e um link para o nosso site (
the same I'm doing for Italy
2/3 in Italian, 1/3 in English
good luck! enrico
i will look forward for other updates with regards to this...:)
xronia polla from greek music group karabouzouklides
Hi- i really like your blog. i hope you get things worked out! BON CHANCE!
Nice post on this topic. I like your blog very much because it has very helpful articles on various topics like different culture and the latest news. Concert Tickets
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este blog é brutal!!
this blog is amazing... please continue wuth the good work.